By: Gina Boedeker
Most people I’ve met, when they think of research, they tend to think *big*:
Professional presentation of analysis in slick PPT slides
Thousands of participants in a statistically significant sample
Complicated analysis using specific methodologies that require statistical background
It doesn’t always have to be this way!
The truth is, the most important part about research is… being curious
being disciplined
really listening
We’re in the research business. We deliver professionally designed presentations, many times with thousands of participants included in a study and use experienced researchers with strong analytical backgrounds.
But research is – and just as importantly – more informal. Setting up a call or a Zoom to talk to a customer or potential customers and being genuinely curious about them:
What is most important to them when selecting a new product?
What do they like about what they’re using now?
What would they change?
How much more would you know about your market if you committed to just one 15-minute call per day to talk to a customer?
Multiply one call a day by 5 days in a week * 4 weeks in a month… That’s *five hours* of research, your *own* research, becoming an expert in your space and understanding your customers.
Don’t let the overwhelming feeling of “RESEARCH!” keep you from starting.
Get a Calendly link, get a list of customers or potential customers, and set aside 15 minutes a day to do your own qual research and you’ll be amazed at how powerful this type of feedback is.
Research can be overwhelming, I know. But, it doesn’t have to be. If you need big studies done, we’re here to help, of course. If you need a lot of calls conducted in a short amount of time to gather qual feedback, that’s also our jam. But also know that you can get a lot of great intel by simply making a daily call a part of your routine, and *really* listening.